Content checklist
- Print a content checklist for each piece of content
- Put the content reference from the sitemap at the top
- Consider the points as you are working on the content
- When you have finished, go through the checklist
- Sign and date it
- Useful – I have defined the clear and specific purpose for this content (in a single sentence at the top of page)
- Appropriate – I have defined the particular audience group or persona and I have used suitable language for that audience
- Concise – I have split the content in sections (250 words or less) and each section has a clear subheading
- Unique – I have not duplicated content from elsewhere on the site and have linked to the content instead
- Interesting – I have tried to present the content in a compelling way that will keep the user’s attention
- Supported – I agree to keep this content accurate, relevant and updated
- Connected – I have created a clear call to action (e.g. share) or onward journey (e.g. related content)